Čierny Hron Railway
The Čierny Hron Railway (in Slovak: Čiernohronská železnica or ČHŽ) is a narrow gauge railway in the Slovak Ore Mountains, built as a forest railway for logging operations. The railway was closed in 1982, but it has been granted national heritage status since. During the following few years it was repaired by enthusiasts and re-opened in 1992 as a heritage railway for tourists. The line is now 17 km long: Chvatimech - Hronec - Čierny Balog - Vydrovo. The line is believed to be the only railway in the world to pass through the middle of a soccer stadium, the tracks running along the front of a grandstand at the stadium belonging to the TJ Tatran Čierny Balog club. <> Railroads of Slovakia