Results 1 - 14 of 14
DSB Danish Railways

DSB carries some 160 million passengers every year and operates approx. 80% of passenger train services in Denmark. DSB provides rail services within Denmark and across international borders.
MJBA - Midtjyske Jernbaner

Midtjyske Jernbaner is a Danish railway company operating in Region Midtjylland, Denmark. The company is responsible for running the former Lemvigbanen and Odderbanen lines.

Øresundståg is a passenger train network operated by DSB and SJ Öresund in the transnational Øresund Region of Denmark and Sweden.
Nordjyske Jernbaner

Nordjyske Jernbaner is a Danish railway company operating in Region Nordjylland. 
Lokalbahnen - Local Trains Ltd

Danish railway company responsible for train operation and related passenger services on nine local railways on the islands of Zealand, Lolland and Falster in Denmark. including Frederiksværkbanen, Gribskovbanen, Hornbækbanen, Nærumbanen, Østbanen. 

Rejsekort is an electronic ticketing system for travelling by bus, train, and metro. Rejsekort unites the different transport operators, travel zones, ticketing systems, and discount schemes into a common system, which makes it easier for passengers to use public transport services in Denmark.
Copenhagen Metro

Copenhagen Metro and S-train map

DVF - Danske Veterantog

DVF, Danske Veterantogsoperatøres Fællesrepræsentation is an organisation in which a number of Danish Heritage Railways are united. The common aims for these are a wish to show some historical railway stock in use. All DVF railways are run non-commercially, the money that is earned is spent to maintain and restore the old locomotives and coaches. The Heritage Railways that make use of the DVF logo, present vintage locomotives and coaches that were build more than 30 years ago, restored and maintained historically correct. A ride with a DVF Heritage Railway, will not only ensure an exiting railway journey, but also support the preservation of old railway equipment. 
Hector Rail

Rail freight operator in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany

Banedanmark is a railway enterprise, operating and developing the Danish state railway network. Banedanmark offers its product, the railway network, to the train operating companies.
Dansk Jernbane-Klub

Danish Railway-Club 
HVB - Hedelands Railway

The Hedeland Vintage Railway is Denmark's longest narrow gauge ( 700 mm) vintage railway. The HVB now offers a 10 km. return train ride in the former large gravel pit, converted into a recreational area named Hedeland. We have both steam and diesel locos in service. 
Danmarks Jernbanemuseum

The Danish Railway Museum
Hotels in Denmark