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Railroads of Romania
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CFR CalatoriI

Societatea Nationala de Transport Feroviar de Calatori. Buy online train tickets
Regio Calatori

Regio Călători (former Regiotrans) is a private rail company headquartered in Brașov, Romania. 
CFR Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate

Romanian state railways
TFC - Transferoviar Calatori

Transferoviar Călători (TFC), a subsidiary of Transferoviar Grup, is a private railway operator from Romania that has as its main activity the public passenger transportation that is assured on 7 non-interoperable lines as well as on interoperable (public administration) infrastructure. These routes are served with short to medium haul light rolling stock, diesel multiple units consisting of two or three carriages. Units can be coupled together to cope with rush hour services. 
Metro Bucharest

Map Bucharest Metro

CFL Marta - Societatea Nationala de Transport Feroviar de Marfa

We perform transportation for all types of goods and all types of traffic, domestic and international, with isolated wagons and complete trains.
GFR - Grup Feroviar Roman

Grup Feroviar Român, or simply GFR, is the largest private railway company in Romania and one of the largest in South Eastern Europe. Founded in 2001, the company owns freight operations in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova, Montenegro and Mozambique, and railcar production and maintenance operations in Romania, Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine. In 2010 GFR operates a park of over 13,500 railroad cars and 285 diesel and electric locomotives.
AFER - Autoritatea Feroviară Română

Romanian Railway Authority
Bucharest Railways Museum

Hotels in Romania