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Railroads of Panama
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PCRC - Panama Canal Railway Company

The Almirante Railroad

This is an account of a visit to the Bocas Fruit Company Railroad (part of United Fruit Company, now Chiquita Brands International) in Almirante, Bocas del Toro, Panama, on 20th August 2005. It shows something of the final days of one of the last of the Banana Railroads which, in their heyday, extended to over 1,800 miles of track.
History of the Panama RailRoad

This web site is dedicated to the thousands of unknown workers from many countries who lost their lives during the construction of the fortyseven and a half miles of railroad joining the Atlantic city of Aspinwall (now known as Colón) with the Pacific city of Panama, making it the world's first transcontinental railway.
Hotels in Panama