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Railroads of Brazil
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Estrada de Ferro do Corcovado

It is impossible to conceive a trip to Rio de Janeiro without paying a visit to the statue of Christ The Redeemer. Located at the top of Corcovado Hill, it is Brazil’s most known image throughout the world. Every year, over 300,000 people visit the statue of Christ using the centenary Corcovado Train, the oldest touristic ride in the country.
Metrô Rio

Metro Rio de Janeiro Brazil
CBTU - Metrô de Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte Metro 
CBTU - Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos

Recife suburban railway 
TRENSURB - Porto Allegre subway

CPTM - Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (Brazil)

Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo - Metrô

Metro São Paulo Brazil 

Rio de Janeiro commuter rail lines
Metrô do Recife

FTC - Ferrovia Tereza Cristina

The Tereza Cristina Railway is the concessionaire of the southern railway network of Santa Catarina. With 164km long, it passes through 14 municipalities (Imbituba, Laguna, Pesca Brava, Capivari de Baixo, Tubarão, Sangão, Jaguaruna, Içara, Criciúma, Siderópolis, Morro da Fumaça, Cocal do Sul, Urussanga and Forquilhinha), connecting porto with the Thermoelectric Power Plant and the Bus Terminal. 
Via Mobilidade Metro lines 5,8 9 São Paulo

Metrominas - Trem Metropolitano de Belo Horizonte

Belo Horizonte metro 
VLI Logistics

FNS - Ferrovia Norte-Sul / FCA - Ferrovia Centro-Atlãntico 
Ferrovia Norte Sul (Brazil)

Norte Sul Railroad: Know everything about the project!
Via Quatro Metro line 4 São Paulo

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Hotels in Brazil