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Railroads of Austria
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Historical steam railway through the region of the Achensee
Bergstrecke Ybbsthalbahn
Historical steep Narrow Guage Railway line with steam and diesel locomotives.
BWB - Association Bregenzerwaldbahn Museumsbahn
The Bregenzerwald Railway Line
PLB - Pinzgauer Lokalbahn, (Krimmlerbahn - PinzgauBahn)
Historical railway line
Der Stainzer Flascherlzug
Historical narrow guage railway line
Majestic Imperator Train
The Majestic Imperator Train de Luxe features six luxurious rail carriages, which have been rebuilt from original plans of the legendary train of the Emperor Franz Joseph I and Empress Elisabeth of Austria.
Rail Cargo Austria
Rail Cargo Austria: Your one-stop shop for transport and logistics.
About the Semmeringbahn
41 Kilometer railway line connecting Gloggnitz with MĂĽrzzuschlag.
Club 760 Friends of the Murtal Railway and Taurach Railway
Verein der Freunde der Murtalbahn
Club 598 - Friends of the Ybbstalbahn
Ă–GEG - Gesellschaft fĂĽr Eisenbahngeschichte
Austrian Railway Museum
Friends of the Mariazellerbahn
The railway line from St. Pölten to Mariazell, known around the world as Mariazellerbahn, is a narrow gauge railway located in eastern Austria, in the southern part of the province of Niederösterreich (Lower Austria). There it partially runs through one of the most remote and sparsely populated mountain areas of Austria, just about 80 kilometres from Vienna! It is still a regular line of the Austrian Federal Railways ÖBB, providing daily passenger services on the 85 kilometres long electric mainline from St. Pölten to Mariazell and on a diesel branch line to Mank, both on a 760mm gauge track. On these pages the Friends of the Mariazellerbahn want to provide all the information you will need to decide on a trip with this unique narrow gauge railway. You will find a detailed route description, facts about the line and the region it runs through and and a lot of links to resources of relevance for both, the tourist and the railfan!
SKGLB - Club Salzkammergut Lokalbahn
Organisation for the re-establishment of the Salzkammergut railway line
Verein Pro Ybbstalbahn
Association for the Ybbstalbahn
Ă–sterreichische Gesellschaft fĂĽr Lokalbahnen
Austrian Light Rail Association
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